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Office of 通信

Visits to the campus by media professionals
The Office of 通信 should be advised of all visits by media representatives to ensure they are professionally greeted and to facilitate any necessary clearance and approval processes associated with the visit.

Access to residence halls/classrooms
Public areas of residence halls, such as reception areas and TV lounges, are open to media during the hours that the residence halls are open to the public. As a courtesy, please let the residence hall manager know that you intend to visit.

Living areas of residence halls, such as individual rooms and residence area hallways, are not open to the media or the public.

An individual student may choose to grant a reporter or photographer access to his or her residence hall room. 在这些情况下, the media representative may accompany the student into the individual student's living area.

Classrooms generally are not open to the public or to the media while class is in session. Individual professors may grant media access to class sessions. Please arrange with the Office of 通信 ahead of time.

Entry to campus buildings may be limited; see above guidelines on access to residence halls and classrooms.

In the event of a critical incident or emergency requiring police or fire response, access to areas usually open to media may be limited to allow emergency personnel to ensure safety and security. 在这些情况下, the media should follow guidelines at the site of the incident.

See below for guidelines on filming for purposes other than news, such as political advertisements.

Political advertising/political campaigns
These guidelines relate solely to campaign advertising policies and procedures:

Video and/or photographic use of SU facilities and employees for the production of partisan political products must not imply or infer any institutional endorsement through the use of identifiable logs or logotypes, 标志着, 符号, 或音乐.

No partisan political advertisement should include endorsements/participation by titled university administrators who could be perceived as "endorsing" beyond their role as individual citizens.

No university employees should participate in on-campus political advertising production during work hours.

No university employees should be involved -- willingly or unwillingly -- in worksite campaign advertising production.

While general outdoor campus location photographic or video shooting is allowed, interior shooting is limited to areas outside of office or laboratory work areas and outside of classrooms. All interior shootings must be cleared in advance with relevant departments and must not interfere in any way with university activities.

Campaign production crews working at official university activities must abide by the same guidelines and standards of all media covering those activities, including meeting credentialing requirements when necessary.

Student status information (confirmation of status, alum, etc.)
The Office of 通信 can confirm the following facts about current or former SU students:

  • Whether or not the person currently is enrolled. 
  • Whether or not he or she earned a degree, and if so, in what area of study. 
  • The year a degree was conferred. 
  • 这很有帮助, 虽然不是必需的, to have a birth date or other method to help identify the person, since there may be more than one listing of the same name in the system. In some cases there may be names of similar spelling; to avoid an incorrect report, please be sure you have the person's name spelled right.
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