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Graduate Academic Standing Policy Academic Standards

注意: Each program, department, 学校, 或大学 may have standards beyond the general standards listed. The student should consult the major department and academic college for additional requirements.


Minimum Standards for Graduate Work

The minimum standard for graduate work is a letter grade of “B” applied to the plan of study used to meet degree requirements. 然而, in the overall grade point average only (2) two grades of C shall count toward the degree requirements with a minimum 3.0的绩点. Any graduate student may be denied further registration in a graduate program if the grade point average falls below a 3.0. Disciplinary actions will be taken against students with unsatisfactory scholarship. Such actions may include probation or suspension.



International students must comply with federal regulations regarding full-time student status.




A graduate student is judged to be in good standing when making adequate progress toward completion of degree requirements, 累积平均分是3分.00 and is not on probation or subject to dismissal.



Failure to maintain a GPA of 3.00 or better will result in a one semester probationary period. 缓刑 is intended to provide the student, whose performance is less than fully satisfactory, a period of time to bring his/her performance up to a level consistent with the minimum standards enforced by the Graduate School and/or the program in which the student is enrolled.


学生 whose grade point average falls below 3.00 in any semester will be placed on probation. That student must attain a 3.00 semester grade point average by the end of the following (probationary) semester. When a student is placed on probation, he/she will be notified in writing by the department. If, 在这一时期结束时, all deficiencies have been removed and no other circumstances warranting probation have developed in the interim, the student will be returned to good standing. If the deficiencies have not been corrected by the end of this period, the student may become subject to suspension.


缓刑 may be initiated by the Department Chair with approval of the Dean in the student’s major department, 学校, 或大学. A student may be placed on probation for one or more of the following reasons:


1. Failure to maintain an appropriate level of performance (as measured by GPA) in courses central to the student’s program of study.

2. Failure on the department’s mandatory examinations or failure to stand for such exams in a timely manner.

3. Failure to proceed to the comprehensive or qualifying examinations within a reasonable period of time determined by the program.

4. Failure to make satisfactory progress in thesis or dissertation research or in the independent study project.


学生 on probationary status:

1. May not be admitted to examinations (Masters’ Comprehensive, 博士资格, and/or Doctoral Comprehensive)

2. May not be advanced to Candidacy

3. May not receive a graduate fellowship, assistantship or tuition-waiver

4. Are not eligible to receive a graduate degree.



A graduate student who persist in any of the four probationary conditions listed above may be required to withdraw from the program for a period of one semester. The recommendation to withdraw must be made in writing by the program. Notification will be sent to the Associate Vice Chancellor for 研究生学习.


A suspended student must apply for readmission after the suspension period. Official transcripts from all institutions attended since the student was last enrolled at Southern University at New Orleans must be submitted to the 研究生院. Dismissed students who are approved for readmission to a department will be admitted on probation and follow the requirements outlined by the department. 学生 who are suspended two (2) times from a program will be barred from the same program for three (3) years.

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