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Grants and Sponsored Programs

赌搏十大靠谱软件的资助和赞助项目办公室(OGSP)负责协助教师, staff and administrators with pre-award services; such as preparing and submitting proposals, 发展和举办讲习班和研讨会, and providing regulatory oversight.


  1. Assisting faculty members, 工作人员和行政人员准备并向外部机构提交竞争性提案以支持教学, service, and research activities.

  2. 就与外部支持相关的机会、问题和任务开展讲习班和研讨会.

  3.  提供对联邦、州和大学遵从性要求的监督.

  4. 维护当前资助机构的在线参考书目.

  5. 收集和维护学院内部和外部研究活动的记录

Some specific services are:

  1. 提供有关拨款机会的资料;

  2. Assisting in obtaining information, 与拟备及提交建议书有关的指引及表格;

  3. 协助制订拨款及合约建议的预算;

  4. 协助完成内部提案的路由和审批流程;

  5. 向首席研究员/项目总监提供适用的法规, policies, 以及与赞助项目管理有关的程序.

奖励后服务由预算经理/奖励后行政人员提供. Some specific functions include:

1. 与负责研究和战略计划的副校长合作, 与授标机构进行财务和商务谈判;

2. 促进内部和外部合同审批流程;

3. 在学校和南方大学系统内设立新奖项;

4. 提供合同行政支持,监督合同遵守情况;

5. 监督所有赞助项目的结帐过程.

6. 确保资金按照批准的预算使用.

Grant Writing Tips


经许可总结-波特,罗伯特,2007. “为什么学者很难写出好的拨款申请?”, The Journal of Research Administration, 国际研究管理人员协会, Volume XXXVIII.

学术写作和拨款申请写作有很多不同之处. The styles of writing are not the same. 许多研究人员或学者必须学习一套新的写作技巧. Scholarly papers, essays, 期刊文章的写作风格通常被称为“学术写作”. 下面的图表有助于识别两种写作类型之间的一些主要区别.


Academic Writing   Grant Proposal Writing

Long sentences



More highly technical terms


Easily understood

Historical perspective (past oriented)


New ideas (future oriented

Scholarly pursuit


Sponsor goals 

Theme-centered (theory and thesis)



Explain to reader


“Selling” the reader 

Impersonal tone


Personal tone 




Few length constraints


Strict length constraints 

Specialized terminology (insider jargon)


Accessible language (easily understood)


Submitting a Proposal




  • Develop Idea
  • Conduct Funding Search and
  • Contact the OGSP
  • OGSP发送电子邮件通知,以启动审查和提案路由过程,并确定截止日期.
  • Prepare Proposal
  • OGSP将协助您将提案发送给(1)主席, (2) Dean, (3) Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, (4)财务与行政副校长, (5) Grants Budget Officer, (6) Information Technology Center, (7) Vice Chancellor for Research, and (8) OGSP for review and approval. 路由表捕获有关提议项目的信息,所有提议都需要路由表. OGSP将把“迄今为止”批准的提案提交给财政大臣进行最终批准.
  • OGSP审查提案,并向PI/PD建议修订(如果适用).
  • OGSP submits proposal to sponsoring agency.


Federal Sources:

U.S. Department of Educationhttp://www2.ed.gov/fund/grants-apply.html

U.S. Department of Health and Human Serviceshttp://www.hhs.gov/grants/index.html

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developmenthttp://www.hud.gov/program_offices/spm/gmomgmt/grantsinfo/fundingopps

U.S. Department of Transportation - http://www.transportation.gov/grants

U.S. Department of Justice - http://grantsnet.justice.gov/programplan/html/Home.htm

National Science Foundation - http://nsf.gov/funding/azindex.jsp

National Endowment for the Humanities - http://www.neh.gov/grants

National Endowment for the Arts - http://www.arts.gov/grants

Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA): www.hrsa.gov/

NASA: http://science.nasa.gov/researchers/sara/grant-solicitations/

国家粮食和农业研究所(NIFA): http://nifa.usda.gov/

National Institutes of Health (NIH): http://grants.nih.gov/grants/oer.htm

Office of Minority Health - http://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/

Office of Naval Research (ONR) - http://www.onr.navy.mil/Education-Outreach

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA): www.usda.gov

U.S. Department of Commerce: http://www.commerce.gov/work-with-us/grants-and-contract-opportunities

U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA): http://www.eda.gov/funding-opportunities/


State Sources:

Louisiana Board of Regents - http://web.laregents.org/programs/


W. K. Kellogg Foundationhttp://www.wkkf.org/grants

The Ford Foundationhttp://www.fordfoundation.org/work/our-grants/

Other Sources:

Grants.gov - www.grants.gov

Grant Guidelines

Grant Proposal Routing Form

To assure minimum proper review, 拨款和赞助项目办公室应在截止日期前至少十(10)个工作日收到完整的提案路由表和提案. 我们希望在截止日期前30至60天收到提案,以便我们可以协助您“保证”提案的资金.

Annual Reports


注:请联系研究/战略计划副校长办公室,博士. Brenda Jackson at bjackson@lscarpet.net or 504-286-5274, 关于资助和赞助项目办公室的问题,或者关于如何参与资助写作的信息.