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如果你有兴趣在校园里成立一个俱乐部, you must first submit an emailed proposal to the Office of 学生活动及组织 计划书应包括有关扶轮社宗旨的资讯, 成员资格要求, 策划活动. Once the proposal has been reviewed, the office will either approve or deny the club's formation. 如果俱乐部被批准, the 顾问 will then be responsible for registering all members and ensuring that all club activities comply with university guidelines. Failure to follow these procedures may result in the revocation of your club's status. So, 如果你想成立一个新的学生组织, be sure to stop by the Office of 学生活动及组织 for more information. 


Each student organization is required to secure an application form from the Office of 学生活动及组织 and return it within three weeks after the first day of classes during the Fall Semester. 


Only registered student 组织 are permitted to hold meetings and activities on the campus. 



所有传单的张贴, 横幅, 海报, and stickers on University property must be approved by the Office of 学生活动及组织. To receive approval, submit an electronic document and wait for an email confirmation. 这是为了你的记录.


Under no circumstance should signs or leaflets be posted on the interior or walls, 内部/外部窗口, 玻璃门, 电线杆, 栅栏, 树, 垃圾容器, 或者停放的车辆. Signs may be posted on designated bulletin boards and on the outside of brick walls of designated buildings, 玻璃门, 电线杆, 栅栏, 树, 垃圾容器, 或者停放的车辆. 



Offenders may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the university. 此外, individuals who fail to comply with the university's sign policy may be subject to trespassing charges. 因此, it is important for students to obtain approval from the appropriate office before posting any type of sign or flyer on campus.



所有张贴的标志, notices or advertising on campus and on SUNO’s Website must be approved prior to posting. Approval can be obtained through the Office of 学生活动及组织. Refer to 发布的政策 in the section on University Policies for more details. Major student activities are posted in the following key positions and publications throughout the campus: 

  • 《赌搏十大靠谱软件》 (学生报纸)  
  • 职业咨询和就业办公室 
  • 电视监控 
  • 学生通讯  
  • 校园文具  
  • 公告板  
  • 校园电子邮件 




部门俱乐部基本上都是地方性的. While they do not usually require a minimum cumulative grade point average or a particular field of study, the majority of students who are affiliates are usually majors in those departments and in good academic standing. 



所有其他学生组织都对任何学生开放. With the exception of the SGA President and Vice President who are required to have a 2.7累计平均成绩5分; other SGA officers and appointed SGA staff and Observer staff, and students in 组织 who receive any stipends or emolument for service are required to have a minimum 2.累计平均成绩5分. 这些要求的平均值必须在任用期间保持. 除另有规定外,不要求最低累积海损. 




The advisors for established student 组织 are full-time members of the University’s faculty or professional staff. 取决于某些组织的规模和/或多样性, 有些小组可能希望有一个以上的顾问. It is permissible to have more than one member of the faculty or professional staff working with 组织. 但是,只有一个人担任官方顾问. 


The advisor is selected by the student organization with approval from the Director of 学生活动及组织. 在选择顾问时, students should make certain that prospective advisors have a sincere interest in the goals and objectives of their respective organization. 


As a student at the university, you are expected to uphold certain standards of conduct. This includes maintaining a respectful and professional attitude towards your peers, 教练, 和顾问. 确保达到这一标准的一种方法是确保所有的顾问, 教练, 教练是大学的雇员. 这种方式, students can be confident that they are receiving advice from someone who is qualified and has the university's best interests at heart. 另外, it means that students who are chosen to represent the university will have undergone a fair and transparent selection process. 欢迎所有学生参加俱乐部或组织团队的选拔, but the final decision rests with the Office of 学生活动及组织. This policy ensures that only the most qualified and dedicated students represent the university in competitions and events.


所有学生社团, 组织, 团队, 组, 协会必须遵循选举其领导人的适当程序. It is not permissible for a student to self-appoint as the head of an organization, 因为这会破坏选举过程的完整性. This process ensures that those who hold positions of power have the support and trust of their peers. 另外, the Director of 学生活动及组织 or 人力资源 must approve all senior-level advisors and coaches. 同样重要的是要注意,没有学生将担任顾问或教练. These guidelines are in place to maintain student-led 组织' integrity and professionalism and ensure that those in leadership positions are qualified and approved by the proper channels. Any violations of these policies will be taken seriously, and appropriate action will follow.



 顾问s must approve and sign all requests for on-campus and off- campus activities to be held by the 组织. 

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